Hi there!

Welcome to the SegaSonic UltraFanZite! SEGASONIC UFANZ LOGO The Logo (as of now) ! This is a page dedicated to chatting and talking about anything, mostly Japanese things, anime (If you are a darn weeabu) and Sonic! The message board is going to be worked on, that's my main intentions.

Glitch is what I used to create this, shoutouts to them! Find out more [about Glitch](https://glitch.com/about).

This is basically just the about page. Nothing intresting here, the page is old, will be updating it because I haven't wirked on it in a while, started on April First, is getting a redesign on today,Sep 3rd, 2021 (and hopefully tomarrow, the 4th) [about Glitch](https://glitch.com/about).

## Rules!

### Number 1! Be respectful

Be nice and respect everyone, even if you do not like them.

### Number 2! Follow the mods' rules.

Follow what mods say to do. If a mod bans you, email the owner of the site.

### Number 3! style.css

CSS files add styling rules to your content.

### ← script.js

If you're feeling fancy you can add interactivity to your site with JavaScript.

### ← assets

Drag in `assets`, like images or music, to add them to your project

## Made by SIG7!

\ ゜ o ゜)ノ


Enjoy your time here!